AAAAnd that’s a wrap, folks!

Can I just say what a summer? We learned so many new techniques, met new people, and solidified our love for archaeology. Look at us… who would have thought?

The past five weeks have been so amazing! I want to thank the Vindolanda Charitable Trust for allowing us to experience this amazing site and all it has to offer. It is not every day you get to pull out 2000-year-old leather and it STILL smells like the tanning process of modern-day leather. Additionally, the work they are doing for the public and research is utterly profound for our field. Second, I want to thank Dr. Greene and Dr. Meyer for conducting and providing us the opportunity to even do this in the first place (and what a place may I add). Our professors have planned the perfect field school so that all of us students are able to learn almost everything we need to know in the field. That way if we come back to Vindolanda or to another site, we have a pretty good idea of what to do. This also helps us juxtapose how research is conducted with the artifacts excavated (going from an artifact in a certain area to a paper or publication about it). This is truly an art form that most of us (I mean me) are still grasping. Lastly, I want to thank you, the blog readers; what you do for us really makes a huge difference in our experience with public-facing writing along with the support you bring. While some may come back, some may go elsewhere, and some may never come back, what we do have is this amazing experience that a fraction of the world gets to engage in, and you are fully a part of that.

While this is not a goodbye but rather a “see you soon” vibe here. The next activity of blog postings will come from the Rome trip next summer. Then within the next year, the field school will be running again. So stay tuned for the 2025 season!

Again, thank you all so much.

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